Monday, February 6, 2017

Buffalo Central Terminal Existing Conditions

Waseer Mohamed:

1. What does the Buffalo Central Terminal look like, in other words, what does the space that the terminal occupies look like?


-Essentially, the Buffalo Central Terminal is comprised of two distinct regions, the main building which houses the interior of the terminal, and an extensive network of railways that trains operate on.

2. What does the interior of the terminal look like, said another way, what are the current conditions of the structure thus far?

-Based off of relatively recent photos, both the interior and exterior of the structure appear to be dilapidated, decrepit and derelict.

Image result for buffalo central terminal  dilapidationImage result for buffalo central terminal  dilapidation

* The tower of the Buffalo Central Terminal is 17 stories high.

1 comment:

  1. Can you include some numbers? Square footage? materials the building is made out of? Construction and completion dates?
