Thursday, March 2, 2017

ACE Team Write Up

The write up is almost done... We need about 2-3 paragraphs of information/input
Below in grey is the write up so far. The stuff highlighted in yellow is what needs works... try to answer the questions and add it into the team's write up...

Buffalo has over nine colleges within the city but has seen a decline in population since the early 1900’s. The Broadway Fillmore neighborhood surrounds the terminal with a population of 7,700 averaging about 32 years in age.
Buffalo is a declining city that needs upcycling of many of its old resources that currently exist. One of the most important structures is the Buffalo Central Terminal that used to run Amtrak trains in and out of the city. The structure has been deteriorating in the past few decades so keeping the structure strong and safe will be one of the most important aspects of this project.
Upcycling the terminal would save money by maintaining the old structure’ historical significance. It will also prevent further decline in population by improving job outlooks, public transportation, and providing a place of interest within the community. A modernized train station would not only help commuters, but also the residents that live close by. The new terminal will be host to a wide range of services including a library, shopping, and green space.

Bolded- Jonathan's additions

(1) identify the structure(s):  Buffalo Central Terminal

(2) provide the reasons for your selection:

The train terminals in the vicinity are in bad shape. The primary reason that this site was chosen was because the population rates have been decreasing since the 20th century. This trend is expected to continue throughout the 21st century. The train terminal is a good site selection because it has a lot of space to implement shops, libraries, research, etc. 

In addition. the education rates in Buffalo is below average. The graduation rate in the United States is at a record high, being 83%. Buffalo is below the United States, being 61%. In the past, the population rate was mainly around 50%.

(3) give clear explanation of former or current uses/purpose and what you intend to change it to:
ACE TEAM this is the question that needs to be fully answered. What you have now is not enough. Include info as to HOW your project will benefit the area. WHAT SPECIFIC areas within the building are you going to change?
Ex. We plan to clear the front atrium and provide seating for our guests so that they can buy food and have a place to eat it. ß Need to form complete sentences/thoughts about your ideas.

The original purpose of the terminal which involves moving trains and out of the terminal. The up-cycled train terminal will still move trains in and out. However, the new additions to the terminal will be on the floors above the ground. The most of these additions will be within the tower of the terminal. The additions include dining/seating areas, a library, research center, and other vendors.
(4) support for your intended purpose(s):
Now you need to argue your case! Why is a library good for this terminal? What will be better about your building than the old one? How will it support the community? What are some services that the terminal will provide. BASICALLY WHAT PROBLEM(s) IS YOUR DESIGN GOING TO SOLVE???

Library and education related places can improve the graduation and literacy rates that are currently in Buffalo. The library is beneficial for everyone because they can use it while waiting for their train or take out media for usage during the train ride. The biggest impact of the up-cycle of the train terminal is that the population as a result, could potentially stop dropping. 

(5) you MUST use design and construction materials, building techniques, and approaches (e.g., speak to the structural engineering and construction) that are the essence of your new approach/purpose.


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